
Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Little Science with a Dash of Technology (reblogged)

Below it my latest posting on my school blog.  I figured I would share it again on my personal blog.

What to do! What to do!  With several weeks of summer ahead of me I need to find time to relax and prepare for the new school year at the same time.  So when I am not busying visiting historic sites, museums, reading, and watching movies I will put together some new lessons and activities that seem to keep buzzing through my mind.  So what are these plans exactly? I think I will:

- make a Common Craft-like video
- make a GoAnimate video
- finish the energy song my students worked on this year
- buy some props for a few "mystery" lessons
- get familiar with Collaborize Classroom
- publish a few more podcasts on physical science topics
- learn how to use VoiceThread

Lately I have been looking at some of the experiences students may participate in once they get out into the adult-world and have been wondering how to take these events and structure a few performance-, project-, or problem-based activities around these settings.  Well I only have 7 more weeks to figure it out! I better get started...

One of the joys of being a teacher is that we always have the opportunity to improve instructional and learning strategies for the next school year.  After reflecting on the experiences my students had this year, I know that I am heading in the right direction in providing a learning experience that each child would benefit from.  So while some teachers go through experiences when they are dreading the first day of school, I am looking quite forward for the first day. I absolutely can't wait to get students involved in an exciting learning experience this school year.

What about you?

Continuing my journey...

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