When I use to think of videos in my classroom, United Streaming from Discovery Education, quickly came to mind. However in the last year or so, I now realize that I have another great resource that is only clicks away. YouTube is a wonderful online resource that can really make a difference in the how my students acquire new information. When I first stated using YouTube in the classroom I would try to use videos that held three qualities: student-made, under 10 minutes, and engaging in some way. Over time, I realized that I could really enhance how I was using YouTube in my classroom. I can make playlists for my students to view, I can upload my own content, and I can even make my videos more interactive. Of course, I have to crawl before I walk so to speak, but I am learning quickly.
Now, I no longer feel like a YouTube newbie! I am challenging myself to continually learn how to master all the features that YouTube has to offer. Most importantly, I am creating my own content unique to the needs of the students in my classroom! I believe this is what makes using this resource powerful in education. I am looking forward to sharing my classroom video content with my students and using their feedback to improve!
Check out my new classroom YouTube page!
Continuing on my journey...